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Around the Birthing Ball - 9780615381176

Around the Birthing Ball
Kenmerken: Around The Birthing Ball gives pregnant women an opportunity to meet other women and learn about their labor and delivery experiences from the first contraction to the moment of happiness and joy. Simply written, each story conveys the emotional and physical challenges with just enough balance between humor and drama. Based on interviews with real mothers, this book provides examples of stories about non-medicated births and home births, as well as stories about epidural-assisted births and births via C-Section. Supported by interviews with medical practitioners explaining the labor and delivery process, these stories are geared toward familiarizing expectant parents with what may happen when labor starts and how to keep an open mind regarding the options that might await them when the baby begins to arrive.
Artikelnummer: 9200000014919219 -
Prijs: € 14,99
Around The Birthing Ball gives pregnant women an opportunity to meet other women and learn about their labor and delivery experiences from the first contraction to the moment of happiness and joy. Simply written, each story conveys the emotional and physical challenges with just enough balance between humor and drama. Based on interviews with real mothers, this book provides examples of stories about non-medicated births and home births, as well as stories about epidural-assisted births and births via C-Section. Supported by interviews with medical practitioners explaining the labor and delivery process, these stories are geared toward familiarizing expectant parents with what may happen when labor starts and how to keep an open mind regarding the options that might await them when the baby begins to arrive.
